Saturday, March 26, 2016

Break That Boundary and Reach The World

Break That Boundary and Reach The World

From Odusina Adewale Hiworks

We must cease to place invicible boundaries in our minds and lifes and set ourselves free to  live in the ideology that are above such boundaries.

Tribes and Tongues were God's instrument for achieving the need for man to explore himself and the world to its limit and full potential and also for order and proper management of people and resources.

The boundaries in place defined by religion, skills, tribes,tongues, villages, towns, cities, states, colonies, countries, and continents were not meant to confine man to certain locality but to regulate man as he moves  around the world.

Every man God created is a gift to the world potentially and it is as our mind is disposed that way that wisdom for the mission of such man is released.

If we check around us, the poorest of Nations and the most troubled of Nations are such that have made their environment inaccessible to the world or fill the mind of their people with animosity for the larger society for whatever reason or greed had eaten deep into the fabric of their citizenery and greed makes one think about himselves and herselves at the expense or detriment of others. These dispositions initiate invincible boundaries.

This is also prevailing in communities around us and sometimes inherent self mindedness is the boundary.

That Boundary Must Be Broken. SELAH

Break That Boundary and operate from the larger community; The world is yours.


The last time you were on  social media, you were actually operating beyond the boundaries of your country or continent, even time (limitation of day and night) and whatever you want to do in any country, can be achieved virtually without physical presence.

The world will open all doors to you when you present  aligning value(s).

Can you imagine what a Great Access you will have in the world if from your laboratory in the remotest part of Maiduguri, you posted online that you have discovered a cure for Ebola, HIV or any of such incurable disease and your results was proven positive??? THAT IS A SUCCESS POTENTIAL.

Can you imagine, the chain on access and opportunities millions in the world will have when they identify with you???? THAT IS AN IMPACT POTENTIAL.

Be the man to give Microsoft, Apple, Linus etc a run for their money with ground breaking softwares.

Be the woman to give the ground breaking formular for correcting the anomalies of menstrual cycles, pregnancy and delivery.

Be the one to make cars, planes,ships, construction equipment that run on free air or sea water or human or animal waste and the automobile community will find you any where in the world.

If you have the formulae for enhancing agricultural yield of any food crop by 500%, the world will find you.

Break That Boundary Now.

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